Phone: 6974036490


koufomataThe construction of the frames in a new house is one of the most basic tasks of all the processes required in a building and contribute significantly to shaping the entire aesthetics of the building. At the same time, they participate with a large percentage in the total budget of the completion of the construction works and the final decisions that will be made will be decisive for a period of 20-25 years (average time horizon of the life of a window until its replacement) of the formation of living conditions. within the space, but also for the functionality and usability without problems of the frames themselves throughout the period of their use.

It often happens that the type of windows is chosen when the construction is completed and the interested buyer, after talking to the builder, finds that many things are not as he had calculated. Some of these important decisions should be made before the start of construction, or even in collaboration with your engineer and architect when preparing the study of the plans of your premises. So you should have decided on the type of your windows and this choice should be proportional to the particularities and the type of construction, the climatic conditions that prevail in the specific place, but also any commitments and restrictions imposed by urban planning regulations of the area.

  • Security doors
  • Room interiors
  • Laminate Floors
  • Solid wood floors